96 percent of our customers recommend my-vpa.

Welcome to Germany's market leader for Virtual Personal Assistance

Our customers use our app to delegate tasks, projects and overhead processes, which our VPAs carry out virtually on the PC, phone and internet.

Our Virtual Assistance service is always available to you
Germany’s biggest community of virtual assistants is available on demand at all times and from anywhere over the phone, via the web or the mobile app. Outsource entire processes or individual tasks to a scalable, professionally trained team of office assistants without overheads. Also benefit from an inexpensive and flexible service provided by our young and highly motivated team that is available 24/7.

Integration into existing system landscapes
Our Cloud Management Platform can be seamlessly integrated into your IT systems, e.g., via VPN (site-to-site) connections or remote desktop solutions. Users can be managed via LDAP, OpenID connect or SAML. This means that you remain in full control over sensitive user information.
If you so wish, you can integrate our back office service directly into your applications using our APIs.

Further information can be found in our whitepaper “APIs and Integration”, which you can download here.

Safe, fast and scalable
With guaranteed SLAs and an easily scalable IT infrastructure, we’re Germany’s number 1 back office as a service (BOaaS). Data protection and security come first. As well as taking organisational measures, such as regularly training our over 160 employees, we also instruct all new employees in the highest my-vpa security standards. We also use a self-developed, locally hosted Cloud Management Platform that meets and, in many aspects, exceeds the highest IT security standards.

Further information can be found in our whitepaper “Security and Data Protection”, which you can download here.

Legal Compliance
For you as a company, it is important to work with partners who comply with German case law with regard to occupational safety and remuneration. my-vpa is a provider of a “back office as a service” and “assistance as a service”, and has been receiving positive assessments from the German Federal Pension Scheme (Deutsche Rentenversicherung) since 2017. For you, this means reliable legal security in terms of work contracts and false self-employment.
Availability, budget control and cost centres.
Our back office as a service is available around the clock, 7 days a week, all year round. With an uptime of over 99.9%, my-vpa allows you to create and manage tasks that you or your employees need done quickly at any time. Set up a project back office for your project team and control budgets down to the penny. With the support of cost centres by task, you will receive a transparent and clear statement at the end of the month detailing how much has been spent on which departments, teams or projects.

Further information can be found in our whitepaper “Cost Control and Budgets”, which you can download here.

my-vpa kann Sie in diesen Aufgabenbereichen unterstützen

Formatting work
Document creation

Calendar mgmt

Social media
Online advertising

In-house sales
Sales network development

Website, online shop
landing pages
On-site SEO

C-level training
Foreign languages

This is how the my-vpa "managed service" works.

Our VPAs are selected by our HR specialists through a multi-stage selection process and are intensively prepared for the work they take on. After you’ve registered with us and purchased an hour package, we will assign you a VPA who suits your requirements and is overseen by one of our VPA Managers. Your VPA will be immediately at your disposal via the app. So, you only pay when have a task to delegate and you don’t have to worry about your VPA’s workload.

We also assign you a dedicated client advisor, who will be happy to answer your questions and discuss any issues. Your client advisor works together with the VPA manager to oversee the services provided by your VPA, i.e., keeping to your budgets, deadlines and quality standards.

Your client advisor and the responsible VPA manager will continuously check and optimise the quality of your VPA’s work. They mainly focus on ensuring adherence to deadlines, budget requirements and quality standards. If you have any questions about the quality of the work, you can chat with your client advisor at any time.

The VPA manager will train your VPA on an individual basis in regular meetings to ensure that they produce high-quality work for you. In addition, we hold one-to-one discussions with you to identify subject areas in which your VPA can improve their skills in the my-vpa Academy. This allows us to check our VPAs’ performance and development over time.

Whenever your VPA is on holiday, absent or ill, we will take care of finding a suitable replacement straight away. Like all employees, our VPAs do, of course, take holidays and are not immune to falling sick. That’s why we prepare for these eventualities ahead of time, especially for ongoing tasks. This allows us to continue working on your tasks as if nothing happened. Your customer advisor will be happy to discuss your individual backup plan with you, e.g., backup VPAs or work instructions.

We also offer our expert service for tasks that require particular specialist knowledge. If you require such services, we will look within our own community for assistants with this knowledge or suitable experts. Then it’s up to you who you decide to delegate the task to.

If you’re looking to delegate larger jobs or entire projects or processes to us, we will be happy to provide you with additional assistants at any time. In this instance, our service provides you with a fixed contact person for your virtual team, who will organise how your tasks will be carried out in the team. This makes communication very efficient, and you don’t need to worry about organising or managing a team.

You can use this service for a specific period of time to delegate a project to a virtual team or for an unlimited period of time to outsource processes to a virtual office team. Some of our projects involve more than 70 assistants.

Our application allows you to quickly delegate tasks across all devices. You can use voice messages, photos, videos and text. You also have complete control over your tasks. We in the management team also check to make sure that your budgets, deadlines and quality standards are being met.

You can also use our app to communicate with your VPA in a secure environment and exchange data via an integrated file sharing system. This app is the perfect app for working efficiently with one or several assistants. You can also invite your colleagues to your account and have them join forces with your virtual team using the multi-user function.

Many of our clients are working with a virtual assistant or team for the first time. Your client advisor is available via chat to advise and support you on how to optimise your productivity with our service.

As a management team, we find solutions to your problems. As we are a large community, we also have to deal with common problems like equipment breaking or human error. We, therefore, can’t promise that we’re immune to having problems ourselves. What we as the management team can promise is that we will promptly find a solution. So, you can rest assured that our competent team will handle any problems that arise.

As a market leader, we have over 10 years of experience in providing virtual assistance.

You too can benefit from our experience by registering for free today.




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12 months ago

Was sind die Unterschiede in der Zusammenarbeit mit Angestellten, Freelancern und my-vpa? Unsere Zusammenstellung: www.my-vpa.com/assistenzbereiche/virtuelleworkforce/ ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

Vielen Dank an unsere Kunden, Mitarbeiter und Partner für eure Unterstützung! Auf ein Jahr 2024 voller Zuversicht und Frieden.#FriedlicheWeihnachten #solidarität #gemeinschaft ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

Unsere begehrten Weihnachtsjobs sind wieder da! Wie immer kannst du diese bequem von zu Hause aus im November und Dezember erledigen. Dieses Jahr suchen wir freiberufliche Virtuelle Assistenten (m/w/d) für zwei Jobs, bei denen es wieder um tolle Printprodukte wie Weihnachtskarten geht.1. Qualitätsprüfung und E-Mail Kundensupport2. Grafik-DesignDu kannst dich für einen der beiden Jobs bewerben: www.my-vpa.com/weihnachtsjob-23/Viel Erfolg! ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

100% Remote, Flexibel und Abwechslung. Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen Projektassistenten (m/w/d) mit Leidenschaft für exzellenten Kundenservice und dem Talent, sich flexibel auf unterschiedlichste Kundenbedürfnisse einstellen zu können. Hast Du Lust auf eine spannende Reise mit uns und unseren Kunden? Bewirb Dich auf: www.my-vpa.com/posting-projektassistenz/#remotejobs #remotework #virtualassistant #virtuellerassistent #VPA #Projektassistenz ... See MoreSee Less
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2 years ago

Wir blicken auf ein turbulentes und ereignisreiches Jahr zurück. Dafür möchten wir uns von Herzen bei unseren KundInnen, AssistentInnen und Mitarbeitenden bedanken. Speziell möchten wir unser IT Team aus der Ukraine erwähnen: trotz der furchtbaren Umstände haben sie uns weiterhin tatkräftig und erfolgreich unterstützen können. Großen Dank! Wir wünschen allen ein besinnliches und friedliches Weihnachtsfest. #weihnachten #Christmas #peace #STANDforUkraine ... See MoreSee Less
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2 years ago

Ja, es ist wieder so weit! Unsere begehrten Weihnachtsjobs sind wieder da! Wie immer kannst du diese bequem von zu Hause aus im November und Dezember erledigen. Dieses Jahr suchen wir freiberufliche Virtuelle Assistenten (m/w/d) für drei Jobs, bei denen es wieder um tolle Printprodukte wie Weihnachtskarten geht.1. Qualitätsprüfung und E-Mail Kundensupport2. Telefon-Kundensupport3. Grafik-DesignDu kannst dich für einen der drei Jobs bewerben.First Come, First Served.Jetzt bewerben: www.my-vpa.com/weihnachtsjob-3/ ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

Bootstrapping Startup: Wie my-vpa helfen kannEine Unternehmensgründung ist eine Herausforderung. Die Finanzierung und Marktetablierung oft nicht einfach, Prognosen mit Unsicherheit behaftet. Start-ups in der Gründungs- und Wachstumsphase können vom my-vpa-Angebot profitieren: Flexible Kostenstruktur, kein Kostendruck - und unsere Experten übernehmen das Recruiting der gesuchten VPAs!Wie das für ein E-Commerce-Startup funktionieren kann, liest du hier: www.my-vpa.com/assistenzbereiche/bootstrapping-startups-myvpa/ #VPA #myvpa #virtuelleassistenz #virtuelleteams #virtuelleworkforce #startup #gründen #gründer #ecommerce #bootstrapping #teehaus ... See MoreSee Less
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Parlez-vous français?my-vpa est à la recherche d'employés freelance/indépendants ayant de très bonnes compétences en français. Voulez-vous un excellent travail flexible que vous pouvez effectuer confortablementde chez toi ? Nous sommes à l'affût maintenant!Plus d'information:www.my-vpa.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/FR_Ausschreibung-KAM-2022_FR.pdf…End of Google Translation 😊 ... See MoreSee Less
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Wir haben die Aktivitäten auf unserer Plattform im letzten Jahr angeschaut und haben ein paar Highlights in einer kompakten Grafik zusammengefasst.#busy #VirtualWorkforce #virtualassistant #virtualteams #VPA #OnDemand #myvpa #platformeconomy #adapt #Scale #workdifferent ... See MoreSee Less
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„Wenn’s alte Jahr erfolgreich war, dann freue dich aufs Neue. Und war es schlecht, ja dann erst recht“ (Albert Einstein)#neujahr #optimismus #newwork #virtuellerassistent #vpa #virtualteams #virtualworkforce ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

Vielen Dank unseren Kunden und unseren Virtuellen Assistenten in aller Welt für die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit. Wir wünschen allen entspannte Weihnachtstage und einen frohen Ausklang eines ereignisreichen Jahres.#weihnachten #Christmas #newwork #virtuellerassistent #VPA #virtualteams #VirtualWorkforce ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

Die “besinnliche” Vorweihnachtszeit: In vielen Unternehmen bedeutet sie besonders viele Aufträge, aber auch krankheitsbedingte Personalengpässe, Stress und Mehrarbeit. Schenke dir und deinem Team mehr Durchblick in den kommenden Wochen, indem du gezielt für Entlastung sorgst.Unsere VPAs unterstützen dein Team bei Aufgaben aus den Bereichen Backoffice, Sekretariat, Marketing, Vertrieb, Design oder Executive VPA. Und zwar ganz flexibel dann, wenn du Unterstützung benötigst.#advent #weihnachtsgeschäft #christmastime #myvpa #virtuelleassistenz #virtuellerassistent #ondemand #virtualassistant #remotework ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

Timing ist alles - aber nicht alles ist langfristig planbar. Mit dem Service von my-vpa können Unternehmen schnell reagieren, wenn Ihre Auftragslage mehr Manpower erfordert. Und bleiben dabei flexibel.#adapt #Scale #workdifferent #myvpa #virtuelleassistenz #virtuellerassistent #OnDemand #virtualassistant #remotework ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

Kundenzufriedenheit ist uns sehr wichtig, denn wir wollen mit unseren Kunden langfristig zusammenarbeiten. Unsere Kundenbetreuer stehen daher per Chat mit Rat und Tat zur Seite, wenn du Fragen hast. Und sollte ein Problem auftauchen, kümmern wir uns um eine schnelle Lösung für dich. Genau das solltest du als Kunde erwarten können.#adapt #Scale #workdifferent #VPA #myvpa #büroassistenz #virtuelleassistenz #virtuellerassistent #remotework #kundenzufriedenheit ... See MoreSee Less
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