Is native speaking, well trained and flexibly available
Is assigned to you for a permanent cooperation
is easy for you to control via the my-vpa app
Leads teams of assistants for you on larger tasks
and, if needed, finds a colleague from more than 40 task areas

96 percent of our customers recommend my-vpa.
Welcome to Germany's market leader for Virtual Personal Assistance

Your personal assistant from my-vpa is always at your side
With my-vpa, a VPA is individually selected and permanently assigned to you. Your VPA is your first contact person for all your office tasks. How does this work? It’s simple: we are Germany’s largest VPA community and support each other’s customers. So if there is a task that your personal VPA cannot do for you, he will immediately find the right support for you via our my-vpa community cloud platform and still remains your direct contact person.
These are your my-vpa benefits
The my-vpa Cloud Platform
You can manage your VPA and delegate tasks to them on the my-vpa Cloud Management Platform (CMP) or using the app for iOS and Android. If your VPA is unavailable due to holiday or illness, you’ll automatically get a replacement VPA to cover for them during their absence. And when this happens, you don’t need to worry about onboarding or transferring tasks, as this is handled for you in an automatic and transparent way via the CMP.Flexible to your needs!
my-vpa is a flexible assistance service, meaning there are no overheads for you. Simply choose one of the affordable hour packages or hourly subscriptions and assign a fixed budget for each task. This gives you complete cost transparency and allows you to decide how much work you want to delegate to your assistants at any time. In addition to the hour packages, we offer add-ons that allow you to expand the functionality and accessibility of your personal VPA service. Do you need some assistance, say, in the middle of the night? No problem, my-vpa is available 24/ is (not) an agency.
Sometimes you get stuck trying to design a social media campaign, build an e-commerce system or do the bookkeeping. Our VPAs are not experts in designing campaigns, etc., either. But don’t worry, my-vpa has got you covered here too. We work with certified partners who can develop concepts for you and your VPA. We are able to develop solutions in the following areas: advertising and design, accounting, e-commerce, programming, and sales conception. So, you can form entire teams on my-vpa which can act as a single source for getting the support you need for a wide variety of grows with you!
You have recently started your own business or are just starting to build up a company? Then we are exactly the right partner for you! From small to medium-sized to large companies – we grow with you! You decide how big and with which budget your tasks should be processed by us – and if there is not so much to do, you can of course stop your tasks or reduce the budget at any time.If you have any questions, you can also contact us here – we will get back to you shortly.
How the my-vpa "Managed Service" works
Our VPAs are selected by our HR specialists through a multi-stage selection process and are intensively prepared for the work they take on. After you’ve registered with us and purchased an hour package, we will assign you a VPA who suits your requirements and is overseen by one of our VPA managers. Your VPA will be immediately at your disposal via the app. So, you only pay when have a task to delegate and you don’t have to worry about your VPA’s workload.
We will also assign you a dedicated client advisor, who will be happy to answer your questions and discuss any issues you may have. Your client advisor works together with the VPA manager to oversee the services provided by your VPA, i.e., keeping to your budgets, deadlines and quality standards.
Your client advisor and the responsible VPA manager will continuously check and optimise the quality of your VPA’s work. They mainly focus on ensuring adherence to deadlines, budget requirements and quality standards. If you have any questions about the quality of the work, you can chat with your client advisor at any time.
The VPA manager will train your VPA on an individual basis in regular meetings to ensure that they produce high-quality work for you. In addition, we hold one-to-one discussions with you to identify subject areas in which your VPA can improve their skills in the my-vpa Academy. This allows us to check our VPAs’ performance and development over time.
Whenever your VPA is on holiday, absent or ill, we will take care of finding a suitable replacement straight away. Like all employees, our VPAs do, of course, take holidays and are not immune to falling sick. That’s why we prepare for these eventualities ahead of time, especially for ongoing tasks. This allows us to continue working on your tasks as if nothing happened. Your client advisor will be happy to discuss your individual backup plan with you, e.g., backup VPAs or work instructions.
We also offer our expert service for tasks that require particular specialist knowledge. If you require such services, we will look within our own community for assistants with this knowledge or suitable experts. Then it’s up to you who you decide to delegate the task to.
If you’re looking to delegate larger jobs or entire projects or processes to us, we will be happy to provide you with additional assistants at any time. In this instance, our service provides you with a fixed contact person for your virtual team, who will organise how your tasks will be carried out in the team. This makes communication very efficient, and you don’t need to worry about organising or managing a team.
You can use this service for a specific period of time to delegate a project to a virtual team or for an unlimited period of time to outsource processes to a virtual office team. Some of our projects involve more than 70 assistants.
Our application allows you to quickly delegate tasks across all devices. You can use voice messages, photos, videos and text. You also have complete control over your tasks. We in the management team also check to make sure that your budgets, deadlines and quality standards are being met.
You can also use our app to communicate with your VPA in a secure environment and exchange data via an integrated file sharing system. This app is the perfect app for working efficiently with one or several assistants. You can also invite your colleagues to your account and have them join forces with your virtual team using the multi-user function.
Many of our clients are working with a virtual assistant or team for the first time. Your client advisor is available via chat to advise and support you on how to optimise your productivity with our service.
As a management team, we find solutions to your problems. As we are a large community, we also have to deal with common problems like equipment breaking or human error. We, therefore, can’t promise that we’re immune to having problems ourselves. What we as the management team can promise is that we will promptly find a solution. So, you can rest assured that our competent team will handle any problems that arise.
As a market leader, we have over 10 years of experience in providing virtual assistance.
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Werde VPA und arbeite, von wo du willst!
Als Virtueller Persönlicher Assistent kannst du als Freelancer von überall arbeiten und bist Teil der größten deutschsprachigen VPA Community.2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Wie arbeiten Kunden und VPAs zusammen – wir haben nachgefragt.
Wir werden oft gefragt, wie eine Zusammenarbeit von VPAs und Kunden eigentlich aussieht. Daraufhin haben wir mit unserem Kunden Andreas2 years ago
Willkommen beim Branchenmagazin für Virtuelle Zusammenarbeit, Virtuelle Assistenzservices und Businessprozess Virtualisierung.2 years ago
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3 years ago
Du möchtest dich als VPA bewerben? Hier findest du alle Infos.
Wenn Du einem Job suchst, den du von überall erledigen kannst und Spaß daran hast in einem virtuellen Team zu arbeiten, dann bist Du bei my-vpa richtig.3 years ago
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Dies passiert, wenn der Eigentümer den Beitrag nur mit einer kleinen Personengruppe teilt oder er geändert hat, wer ihn sehen kann. Es kann auch sein, dass der Content inzwischen gelöscht wurde.3 years ago
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Der Inhalt ist derzeit nicht verfügbar
Dies passiert, wenn der Eigentümer den Beitrag nur mit einer kleinen Personengruppe teilt oder er geändert hat, wer ihn sehen kann. Es kann auch sein, dass der Content inzwischen gelöscht wurde.3 years ago
Der Inhalt ist derzeit nicht verfügbar
Dies passiert, wenn der Eigentümer den Beitrag nur mit einer kleinen Personengruppe teilt oder er geändert hat, wer ihn sehen kann. Es kann auch sein, dass der Content inzwischen gelöscht wurde.3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Du möchtest dich als VPA bewerben? Hier findest du alle Infos.
Wenn Du einem Job suchst, den du von überall erledigen kannst und Spaß daran hast in einem virtuellen Team zu arbeiten, dann bist Du bei my-vpa richtig.3 years ago
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3 years ago